Frequently Asked Questions…..
What is the Postcode for my Satellite Navigation? (SatNav)
The nearest postcode is: GL7 4DG
Yes, dogs with courteous owners are welcome on the campsite! Dogs must be kept on a lead AT ALL TIMES. Please see the site terms and conditions as they will be strictly enforced. The aircraft are very low and extremely noisy which may not be the best environment for your dog.
Are there any electric hook-up points?
No. There are no facilities to provide electricity to your pitch
Can I walk into the Air Show from the campsite?
The walk to the entrance of the airfield is around 3 miles so many campers prefer to drive to the entrance using the free car park. Leave the site along Totterdown Lane, then keep turning right until directed into a designated car park.
Most pitches are based on a footprint of 8m x 8m. Some may be smaller or larger depending on the geography of the land. If you need something different please ask before booking.
Yes! Please bear in mind the conditions may be dry and fire is a genuine hazard. ALL barbeques must be off the floor and if you have a small tray style barbeque please ask for some bricks to raise it away from the grass.
No. There are no restrictions on drinking alcohol but we ask that you drink in moderation and always consider those around you.
Can we have a party or get together on site?
Yes. We are a friendly site but many campers have to leave early to visit the airshow. Please enjoy yourselves, but consider others and make no noise after 10.30pm.
Are there facilities to leave rubbish?
Yes but they are very limited. Please take your rubbish home if possible and recycle as much as possible. All barbeque ash MUST be extinguished and put in the containers provided.